Vega-Group sro - Mako

Veľkoobchod Zelenina

Jeseň cesnak osivo

(Allium Sativum L.)

In case of an order of over 500 kg we grant a discount of 0,10 euro.

The prices are without VAT, the payment is in EUR or in HUF.

Packing: 20 kg bags.

The minimum order quantity: 20 kg. Hand-over: September 2024.


Order: paying 50%, rest by hand-over, information per email.



 50/60mm: -  EUR net / Kg

 60 mm+: -  EUR net / Kg


the following varieties:


cesnak osivo

cesnak osivo

Garlic Variety Messidrome

Beautiful white bulb, uniform shape.

Early-type garlic, harvesting: May.

Regenerated variety, virus free OYDV.

8-14 cloves.


Garlic Variety Thermidrome

 Resistive even in rigorous conditions.
 Early-type garlic, harvesting: May.
 Regenerated variety, virus free OYDV.
 10-15 cloves.



60 mm+: -  EUR net / Kg

the following varieties:

cesnak osivo

 Garlic Variety Therador

Resistive even in rigorous conditions.

Harvesting: June.

Regenerated variety, virus free OYDV.

12-17 cloves, very high yield.

cesnak osivo

Garlic Variety Messidor

Big, white bulb, uniform shape. 

Harvesting: June.

Regenerated variety, virus free OYDV.

10-15 cloves, high yield.



55 mm+: - EUR net / Kg

the following variety:

Garlic Variety Primor

Very early-type garlic

Purple skin with pink cloves.

Harvesting: April.