Vega-Group sro - Mako

Veľkoobchod Zelenina

Sadzačka - cibula

(Allium cepa L.)

Beside the onion of Mako we offer Centurion, Stuttgarter and Sturon onion sets and Braunschweiger red onion sets.  Our stock may vary, please inquire about the current possibilities.

The main part of our stock is made up of 10-15mm, so the growers needs less expenses for the aqusition of the planting material in the light of the sown area, thus the onion production is more economical and the yield is homogeneous, too.

(orders only via e-mail: Táto e-mailová adresa je chránená pred spamovacími robotmi. Na jej zobrazenie potrebuješ mať nainštalovaný JavaScript.)

sadzačka sadzačka sadzačka sadzačka sadzačka


Onion sets of Makó

Size class

Diameter (mm)

Packing (bag)

Price without VAT €/kg


20,1 – 24

10 kg



17,1 – 20

10 kg



14,1 – 17

10 kg



30 - 40

10 kg




40 - 65 

10 kg
